Fathi Baladi (1961-1980)

Puprose of Studies
Jean Paul II Letter
A Young Christian
His Expectations
Accomplished Cures
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Fathi Baladi's Picture

A Young Christian

A young man believing and practicing his Christian faith, perfect in his behavior, his conduct and his judgment. His writings as well as the testimony of his directors and professors demonstrate his continual search for the One Truth and his aspiration towards the Absolute.

The search and aspiration weren't in anyway superficial, but rather the focal point of his readings and discussions. The relative, disorderly truths didn't quench his thirst and didn't appease his mind. He accepted only correct and real knowledge gained through reason, logic, the objectivity of the universe and intuition. That is only acquired through a life of faith, purity, virtue and a continual work of perfecting.

Jesus the crucifix was the center of his inspiration and evocation. By contemplating the wounds of Christ he learned double love, compassion, withdrawal, humility.

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Website designed by fathibaladi.com